
Tuesday Tips: Parents & Exercise

It’s easy for parents to get overwhelmed by the thought of finding time in a crazy busy schedule to find time to exercise. But it is possible, and here are some of my top tips to help you do it.

1. Make exercise family time

Bike rides, going swimming and cycling are a great way of having fun while keeping fit with the whole family. With summer approaching why not take your family and fitness out to a park and kick about a ball or have some races with the kids.

2. Intervals

If you can’t find the time to exercise for long durations why not opt for quick interval training. Either on a bike, treadmill, cross trainer or outside. Start with a light warm-up and sprint for 10-15seconds with a 45-60s recover and repeat 10-15 times. That’s only 10-15 mins of your day and will definitely get your heart rate up and those pounds off.

3. Healthy eating on the go

Keep healthy snacks options prepared in the fridge for you and the kids to grab on the go; you will be less inclined to reach for the biscuit tin.

4. Do what you love

Make sure your workouts are fun and full of activities you enjoy. If you’re not a fan of aerobic classes, find a gym plan/yoga class or opt for something entirely different like snow sports or dancing.

5. Keep a clean fitness bag at the ready

Having your gym kit ready to go just in case you end up having a spare hour one day without planning. Quick bag grab and to the gym you go.

6. At home workouts

Got younger kids? Got a spare set of kettlebells/dumbbells? Get yourself an at home workout plan that incorporates whole body exercises and plyometrics. 2-3x per week 30-45mins per sessions while the little one watches you from their cot. Easy.

I hope this has helped.

Any questions feel free to ask.

Meg xxx

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